Sunday, June 3, 2012

This I Believe

This I Believe
            I believe in a world where people can reason and understand one another. I believe in a world without deceit or hypocrisy. I believe in humanity. We possess an inner goodness vested upon us at birth. It is within our nature to do what is right, although what may be right is neither the most enjoyable, nor appreciated. People live by their own convictions, and for those of us who stay true to their personal cause, let us continue to strive in that direction. Even if one is uncertain of the future, let him or her enjoy a life of adventure, in which the journey is the destination. By the end of our journey on this earth, we will come to accept our differences. Therefore, let us enjoy the fruits of which our forefathers have fought for, a life we too often forsake. Pursue a life of happiness, through whatever means it may be, as long as it is not at the expense of someone’s suffering. A life of affluence, intellect, pleasure, no matter what you choose, let it be your own. In order to achieve a peaceful world, it is essential to live according to your own will and to never oppress another’s. Understand the thoughts and opinions of others, and especially come to respect them. Only through this can everyone come to live a life full of diversity and new perspectives. I believe that humans can attain a world of harmony and individual will. I believe in humanity.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Evolution of Writing Part 2

Christina Back                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
AP Language
30 May 2012
                                                            Editorial: Land of the Oppressed
            Most people believe that the American experience is about freedom or opportunity; that is indisputable. However, overtly optimistic and sensational ideas disguise the existence of an ever-present threat constantly pressed upon the American people since the establishment of the country. Although America preaches the ideals of freedom, it is a closet case that refuses the alternative label; oppression.  
           Every year, a new version of the National Defense Authorization Act, or the NDAA, is renewed. However, in the fiscal year of 2012, a seemingly minor change was added, inconspicuously seizing the rights of Americans. The bill states that "any person who has committed a belligerent act" can be detained without warrant. It also indicates if the government finds anyone unsavory for any reason, the government may seize and imprison a specific individual indefinitely without trial for merely opposing the government. Essentially, any person living in the United States can be arrested without due process of law or that "guilty until proven innocent" ideas under the NDAA. Doesn't this violate our Constitutional rights? Huh? What Constitution?
The NDAA is basically an addition to its counterpart from 2002, the Patriot Act, which allows the government to search and spy on U.S. citizens without warrant. These two acts together permits the government can spy and arrest whomever it pleases without restrictions, justifying its actions with the weak excuse of “preserving national security.” This is genuine government oppression, and not a single thing is being done to prevent it.
Laws like these have been evident in the past, but more specifically, during World War I. Two acts strikingly similar to the Patriot Act and the NDAA were the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act. When the Espionage Act of 1917 was passed, it punished those whom obstructed military affairs. The Sedition Act, implemented shortly a year later, forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government or its military that “caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt.” 
These acts implemented during World War I are analogous to the acts in place today, confiscating the rights of American citizens for the sake of maintaining public security. A poll from Ipsos/McClatchy in 2010 reported that 51% of Americans believed that: “it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.” But to what extent?
Sometimes there are situations in which sacrifices must be made, because sometimes, the benefits outweighs the costs, but for what purpose? To keep the terrorists out? This hypocrisy involving the invasion of other peoples’ land to “fix” their own country by means of violence and warfare are acts of terrorism. America instead uses underhanded tactics to personify itself as the “hero” and to demonize the “enemy,” claiming to the “liberator from tyranny.”
            The US supported Taliban in 1995-2001 to fight against Northern Alliance Mujahideen until the day of 9/11. Their Strategy was to kill as many Afghans as possible by their own puppet, kill all the minorities like Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras in a proxy war, in which arms and weapons were dealt under the radar. Then in 2001 they invaded and said" here we are to save you from our puppet whom we supported a week ago." Surely they know how to play dirty.  In 2008, sixty-one percent of Iraqis even said that American troops are making matters worse (ABC News). However much the opposition, America continues to press on, posing as an oppressive nation, with no intention of representing the so-called freedom it claims to uphold.
            America is starting to resemble a totalitarian state, much like Germany during World War II. The German people became controlled by a police state they never saw coming, seizing all those who opposed the Nazi Party into concentration camps. Likewise, Americans also had segregated people into areas in which "any or all persons may be excluded," specifically the Japanese in 1942. Innocent people were subjected to worse than prison-like conditions just for being "potential subjects". Under the pretense of retaining “domestic tranquility,” America has continuously been oppressing the people.
SOPA, the Stop Anti-Piracy Act, implemented by the United States government late 2011, was an attempt at “speech oppression,” or censorship. However, SOPA was shelved due to immense opposition, with many big businesses such as Google, Twitter, Paypal, Wikipedia, and allied with the people. Although this battle may have been won, SOPA was reincarnated, with a recently proposed bill called CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. CISPA shares many similarities with SOPA, but with added benefits for corporations and businesses. The American people are plunged into yet again another fight for the freedom of speech, except this time, without the support of large companies.
This oppressive nature is ingrained into America’s being, a destructive force continuously treading on the rights of its own people and inconspicuously abducting them, ceaseless in its pursuit to control everything within its reach.  Its roots are convolutedly arranged, its multiplying weeds unyielding in its growth to other forms of life, choking life from the vast fields of foliage that stretch out of sight, endless in its continual consumption.

This paper is “excellent” because it effectively proves a point with an assertive and controlled tone, provides strong evidence, and overall, argues the thesis and develops into something that reader find more meaningful.
My writing at the start of the year had weak arguments, often no connections to the thesis, and contained nothing “though-provoking.” Now I am able to take a simple topic and develop it into an interesting or even compelling complex argument.

Works Cited
Higginbotham, Stacey. “ACTA 2.0 is like a Backdoor Way to Enact SOPA.” Editorial. WordPress, 30 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2012. <‌2012/‌01/‌30/‌acta-2-0-is-like-a-backdoor-way-to-enact-sopa/>.
Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant. Boston: Suzanne Jeans, 2006. Print.
Khera, Farhana. “Reform the un-American Patriot Act.” Editorial. CNN. Turner Broadcasting System, 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 8 Feb. 2012. <‌2011/‌10/‌26/‌opinion/‌khera-patriot-act/‌index.html>.
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. 112 USC. Sec. 1867. 2012. PDF file.
Thomma, Steven. “Most Americans would Trim Liberties to be Safer.” McClatchy. McClatchy, 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. <‌2010/‌01/‌12/‌82156/‌poll-most-americans-would-trim.html>.

Evolution of Excellent Writing

The Great Gatsby: Socratic Seminar Response
Thesis: People who fabricate illusions become so consumed in their convictions that they are eventually convinced by their lies and perceive what is false as real.
            Towards the end of chapter 6, Fitzgerald writes an extended metaphor, “Out of the corner of his eye, Gatsby saw that the blocks of the sidewalks really formed a ladder and mounted to a secret place above the trees…” He portrays Gatsby as a disillusioned man who purses an unreachable enigma he sees “out the corner of his eye” with full confidence. Gatsby becomes so obsessed in his fantasies that eventually, they seem to become true and then begin to manifest as he wholeheartedly believed the “blocks of sidewalks…[that] formed a ladder” were real, not just a figment of his imagination. By using a metaphor, Fitzgerald gives the literal definition of an illusion by labeling one subject as another, disguising what that subject truly is by obscuring it under a false pretense. Through his way of using metaphor, Fitzgerald implies that reality is covered by illusions, and therefore, illusions make up reality.
            In The Great Gatsby, several characters, especially Gatsby, become so obsessed in what they want to achieve that they fabricate a false image of themselves in how they would like to appear, when in truth, they are far from it. In doing so, the characters create illusions that others, including themselves, believe to be are reality. For instance, in Chapter 5, when Gatsby and Daisy had met together for dinner, Nick observed “there must have been moments that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams” then analyzed, “not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion.” Nick described Gatsby as a man who “had thrown himself into creative passion,” a man who was genuinely convinced that his depiction of Daisy was the real thing, rejecting reality and instead living a fantasy built by his own interpretations. This is essentially what Fitzgerald does with his frequent use of metaphor, calling one thing another, reality an illusion. And furthermore, that reality is in the eye of the beholder.

I believe this piece of writing is excellent because it presents a complex idea in a simple way, and through a well dictated thesis and analysis, backed by much textual evidence.
My writing skill, in rhetorical analyses especially, have evolved and matured since the beginning of the year, where my arguments and interpretations have become more insightful, better articulated, and also formed without the crutch of a teacher.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Research Paper

Christina Back
AP Language & Composition
20 May 2012
The Land of the Oppressed
            We Americans are generally known throughout the world for our ignorance, are we not? It is a playful sentiment in which even Americans muse about, but all jokes aside, the implications for ignorance can spell dire consequences. For instance patriotism can become affected by public blindness, resulting in the more harmful states of mind such as jingoism and chauvinism. These attitudes fueled by misguidance and arrogance possess the potential of further developing into even fascist, socialist, or totalitarian ideologies. But how is this related to America? America is the land of freedom, the land of opportunity? Yes, and no.
            Indeed America had offered a wide range of freedoms absent in other nations, like the freedom of speech, religion, and an innumerable others since its revolutionary founding in 1776. America also acted as a “heroic figure,” aiding the Berliners early in the Cold War and promoting democracy in Latin American countries under the Good Neighbor Policy (Kennedy). On more social terms, American culture bloomed during the Antebellum period in the early 1800’s and as well as the Roaring Twenties, times of which marked climactic points of prosperity within America. However, with years of Pax Romana, arose light’s counterpart, darkness. Oppression had materialized simultaneously with its alter ego in every Golden Age of freedom. From the mere existence of oppression, the lone name of freedom would soon be dispelled, as the shadowy existence of it stains the idealized image of eternal light. Therefore, the “land of freedom” can only be labeled such a term to a limited extent. While America may seem to uphold a resolute sense of freedom, it also yields to oppressive forces.
            The Native Americans were the first group to be oppressed in North America. Although the Native Americans lived on the soil first, they were treated as foreigners by the immigrating European explorers. Over time, the Native Americans were pushed onto undesirable territories that were often infertile for farming and devoid of any value. The climax came when the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was enacted under President Jackson’s administration, forcing the Indians to relocate. As a result, 4,000 Cherokees died on the journey which would later be called the Trail of Tears (Kennedy).  Forced onto barren lands specifically allotted just for them by the American government under the Dawes Act in 1887, they were also forced to live American lifestyles and abandon their traditions in a tactic called “coercive assimilation” (Folsom). Eventually, the Native Americans were pushed onto undesirable territories that were often infertile for farming and devoid of any value. In addition to that, the Native Americans were further oppressed by swindlers whom cheated them into misleading allotment schemes. Due to the laws and combined support of the people, Native American culture quickly fractured and bend towards the will of the oppressors.
            America’s Constitution was violated during an age of paranoia and nativism. The Red Scare captured the essence of the Roaring Twenties, in which innocent people were seized and forced out of America without any idea of what they had done with no trial or hearing (Watson). Nativist sentiment oppressed ideas brought by immigrants. This had unfortunately led to the unjustified arrests of over thousands of people, including the arrest of the third party candidate, Eugene Debs, under the Espionage Act of 1917, who had no intention to overthrow the government. This was to no avail to the federal agents commissioned to detain them, a search prompted by Attorney General Palmer in what would later be called the Palmer Raids. It was met with much approval by J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the F.B.I, who was notorious of having a Gestapo-like agency (Curt, 73). On the other hand, this infamous operation also faced criticism from even government officials. Progressive, Republican politician Robert Follette had proclaimed in his speech to the Senate, that “it appears to be the purpose of those conducting this campaign [is] to throw the country into a state of terror to coerce public opinion, to stifle criticism, and suppress discussion of the great issues involved in this war” (Follette). Although there may have been conspirators, a fair trial could have easily been conducted to find the culprits guilty of a coup d’etat. In permitting the Palmer Raids, the US government had betrayed their convictions and values of freedom, and had taken the alternative course of oppression.
            Executive Order 9066 was one of the worst cases of oppressive scenarios. America had resorted to this unpopular measure for the same, recurring motif; to maintain public security. There were other means of discriminating the guilty from the innocent, but mass prejudice engulfed this nation into doing what they inherently thought was right. This conviction was “largely an accumulation of much of the misinformation, half-truths, and insinuations that for years have been directed against the Japanese Americans by people with radical and economic prejudices (Carroll, 55)” The act was implemented by the government in the midst of World War II. It had relocated the Japanese into “internment camps” a euphemism for the identical concentration camps created by the Germans, where the Japanese were seized and unjustifiably confined to worst than prison-like conditions, just for being "potential suspects." The Japanese were told by authorities and even President Roosevelt that it was best for their protection, but the Japanese quickly realized the white lie that was given to them; the guns were literally pointed at them from inside the camps, not to the outside (Kennedy). In times of crisis, the majority had to pay for the misdeeds of the few.
            In another case of government hypocrisy, a seemingly minor change was added to the NDAA, or the National Defense Authorization act, in 2012, inconspicuously seizing the rights of Americans. The bill states that “any person who has committed a belligerent act” can be detained without warrant. It also indicates if the government finds anyone unsavory for any reason, the government may "seize and imprison an individual indefinitely" without trial, even for merely opposing the government. Essentially, any person living in the United States can be arrested without due process of law.
          The NDAA is basically an addition to its counterpart from 2001, the USA Patriot Act, when spelled out titled, Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act, which allows the government to search and spy on U.S. citizens without warrant. Together, the government can spy and arrest whomever it pleases without restrictions, justifying its actions with the weak excuse of “preserving national security;” this is oppression at its finest. Clinton Rossiter,
former Political Science professor from Cornell University, claimed that a crisis government must be implemented in times of crisis, with the qualification that it must also be carried on by persons representative of the citizenry interested in defense of the Constitutional order (Rossiter, 304). And with only 51% of Americans in 2010 believing that “it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism,” the condition for a “constitutional dictatorship” is already broken (Thomma)
            Today, America faces another threat on top of the NDAA. Now, under H.R. 347, formally called the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act, anyone who “engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct” or “impede[s] or disrupt[s] the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,” may be arrested. It further states that the protests in areas occupied by individuals, like politicians or Presidential candidates, under the protection of the Secret Service are forbidden. The unspecific and vague wording even within the bill allows arrests to be made easier. Even peaceful protests are under a threat (Lithwick). The bill’s easy passage with a vast majority of bipartisan support indicates how far America has ventured off from its once sacred promises and ideals.
            Like the National Defense Authorization Act and the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act uses the language of “doublespeak,” in which carefully selected words are used to mislead and distort reality (Lutz, 422). By using deceitful diction, the government is gradually stripping away the power of the people and oppressing their freedoms under the radar, first with the creation of the Patriot Act, then with revisions of the NDAA, and now H.R. 347.If the people cannot voice themselves to the people who create the laws, and are consequentially punished for speaking, how can there possibly be change in a society that accepts no opinions other than that of the federal establishment? Today, we are all guilty until proven innocent.
It is another general fact that history repeats itself. Throughout American history, the repetitious suspicion of foreigners and the sacrifice of civil liberties for safety is not a new fact in America today (Rossiter). Therefore, certain revolution will come as the cycle comes into full circle. From the years of 2010 to 2012, President Obama created a slogan to promise change, but only changed his promise. It is time for America to recreate itself into its idealized self, a country where the government is not above the law, a country where the people’s best interests are heard, and most of all, a country that symbolizes freedom. “And may one day the innocent never suffer and the brave never die, for on that day we'll truly be free, united as one, divided by zero.”

Works Cited
Carroll, Jamuna, ed. Civil Liberties and War. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Print. Issues on Trial.
Curt, Gentry. J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. New York: W.W. Norton and Company Inc., 1991. Print.
Follette, Robert La. “Free Speech in War Time .” U.S. Senate Chamber. 6 Oct. 1917. United States Senate. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. <>.
Folsom, R.D. "American Indian Law Interview." American Indians Imprisoned in the
            Oklahoma Penitentiary: "A Punishment More Primitive than Torture" 2.1
            (1974): 85-109. JSTOR. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <>
Lithwick, Dahlia, and Raymond Vasvari. “You Can’t Occupy This.” Slate. Washington Post Company, 19 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 May 2012. <‌/‌/_anti_protest_bill_signed_by_barack_obama_is_a_quiet_attack_on_free_speech_.html>.
Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant. Boston: Suzanne Jeans, 2006. Print.
Lutz, William. The World of Doublespeak. The Bedford Reader. 9th  ed. Boston: Bedford, 2006. 417-26. Print.
“Opinions of the Patriot Act.” Chart. Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center, 15 Feb. 2011. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <‌/‌/‌/remains-divided-over-the-patriot-act/>.
Rossiter, Clinton. Constitutional Dictatorship. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1948. Print.
Thomma, Steven. “Most Americans would Trim Liberties to be Safer.” McClatchy. McClatchy, 12 Jan. 2010. Web. 22 Feb. 2012. <‌/‌/‌/‌/most-americans-would-trim.html>.
- - -. - - -. Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. 112 Cong., 2nd Sess,. H.R. 347. 2012. PDF file.
Watson, Bruce. “Crackdown! When Bombs Terrorized America, the Attorney General  Launched the ‘Palmer Raids.’” Military and Intelligence Database Collection. N.p., Feb. 2002. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <‌>

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hello visitors! Please refer to the archives and begin reading with the first post entitled "Greetings Comrades.":iconimhappyplz:

I am not technologically savvy and this is my first time blogging. (I can't arrange my posts by older dates!)
Curse this piece of contraption! :iconwhatdaplz:

What is the American Experience?

     This country was founded on the grounds of discontent and oppression and has witnessed various forms of revolution, such as the American fight for independence, civil rights for blacks, and women's suffrage. Despite the fact that countless men and women  dedicated their lives for the sake of obtaining the quality of life which Americans live in now, and  now currently neglect, allowing the American government to slowly take away our freedoms, the fruits of the American people's labor and the infinite number of sacrifices made to achieve this liberty. We are the 99%, they are the 1%, and I strongly believe now that it is time for America to revolt united. The American experience is not about the idealized hope and opportunity, but of oppression and revolution.
      At the end of first quarter, I had previously stated that "for the early settlers, the "American experience" was a constant revolt against government constitutions, and continues to be a problem today." And to this day, I still stand true to my convictions with another detail to add. Oppression.
      A feeling of government oppression has been recently felt after the implementation of SOPA and PIPA, and now, with the proposal of ACTA, it is clear that the rights enlisted in the 1st amendment, are being stripped from us before our very eyes. This is a clear act of oppression, not only of American expression, but of worldwide expression as well. The internet, which connected our countries as one, has served as a key factor in several recent revolutions. Now, with the government having perceived this as a destructive tool, is attempting to censor it to quell our innately rebellious spirit.  Thomas Jefferson had clearly written in the Declaration of Independence, " it is their right to throw off such a government," a government convicted of "a long train of abuses and usurpations begun at a distinguished period and pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them..." Americans have a right to rebel, and rebel we will rightly do so.

Top 5 Things an AP Lang Student Should Know: #1

#1 Ideas

Pffft, what? Ideas? Seriously?
Yes, yes seriously. (This is actually the only one I placed in the right rank.)
No one wants to listen to or read a reiterated idea over and over and over again! So be original!

If you interpret the obvious, no one is going to be impressed. Honestly, there is no harm in trying to deviate from the norm! Sometimes, you even interpret something so completely different, people think you're insane. Or even stupid! BUT! Not in AP Lang!

Here's the passages

This is my unusual essay

No one else interpreted the passage the way I did. I believe my originality saved my grade from failure (I didn't answer the prompt!)

No deducted points for a new idea! See?

For the best chance to receive an A, answer the prompt AND have a weird but cool idea in mind!

In AP Lang, we decipher texts and produce new ideas on assumptions, historical context, intuition, blah blah.
Don't be afraid to share your ideas! Especially during Socratic Seminars, that's when we get to discuss our thoughts the most.

Just Free Your Mind!

You don't even have to agree what the teacher thinks, it's all up to you!

Here's a venn diagram I made for you bros!
Red-"Teacher's Interpretation"
Blue-"What the Author Intended"
Green- "My interpretation"

Hah hah, I actually saw this 3 or 4 years ago on failblog and tried looking for it but it was impossible to find again so I made this cause I thought it was just that funny.

There are no rules in interpretations! It's how you perceive something, not some one else. It's up to you.

All pictures belong to their respective owners and I do not have ownership over them in any shape, way, or form. Found at

Top 5 Things an AP Lang Student Should Know: #2

#2 Read & Annotate

If you want to do well, read the things your teacher assigns you to read. If you don't, then you're just going to have to sit there. And if this is the case, then at least listen. AP Lang teaches you more than just about writing, but also new ideas, philosophies, and lots of other crazy things!

Your readings are important for your mental development. And whenever you get readings, you have to annotate them. Even if it is only one or two words per paragraph, it's fine. As long as you understand your notes, that's all that matters.

Here are some of my rather messy annotations

Notice how I didn't write too much, but enough to give me an idea of what's in the content?
I know my annotations aren't the best, but they sure are efficient! Especially when it comes to timed writings, developing a habit like this isn't so bad. But sometimes it's good to write out a few ideas like I did in the first link.

How exactly do you annotate? Here's a few tips...

  • Write what the argument is. Do it whenever the argument shifts into something specific or on something vague. Differentiate the explicit (stated) argument from the implicit (not stated) argument.
  • How is it written? Do they Compare/contrast subjects? Use Inductive reasoning? Deductive? 
  • List the rhetorical devices used, like anaphora, epistrophe, extended metaphor, etc.
  • Then scribble in whether they use a lot of facts, personal experience, values, authoritative figures...
  • Does it use a lot of ethos (character), pathos (pity), logos (logic)? Write in which ones
  • Tone! Condescending, sarcastic, objective, contemplative, haughty, etc.

There are a bunch of more ways to annotate! So you really don't have an excuse when you show up to class with a spotless paper and say," Oh, I couldn't find anything." or "I didn't get it."
Writing in some notes helps you understand the reading, so at least try and annotate.

ALSO! Be aware of Socratic Seminars! You always have to provide contextual evidence, which is directly from the readings assigned. And unless you have annotated, you will do poorly, and your lack of knowledge will show. Socratic Seminars are called "Socratic" for a reason you know? The conversation becomes somewhat philosophical and deep, so be prepared. Semper paratus! (US Coast Guard Slogan)

FYI (In case you didn't know) semper paratus means always ready

Top 5 Things an AP Lang Student Should Know: #3

#3 Answer the Prompt

Don't forget to do this. If you do, then it's game over for you my friend.
Well, actually, you won't fail, but the highest grade you can get is a C if you're really that good at writing. And if you adhere to your thesis. Just promise that you won't forget to answer the prompt.

How do I know this?
Well, I learned it the hard way...

Here is a sample where the prompt was answered well. (You could barely read when I uploaded it so I retyped this)

Prompt: In the following passage from The Scarlet Letter, the narrator describes Hester Prynne in her isolation from the Puritan community. In a well-organized essay, analyze the language and rhetorical devices the narrator uses to convey his attitude toward Hester and toward women in general.

Essay: Hester Prynne, a social pariah from her Puritan community, is forced to wear the letter "A," for committing the sin of adultery. The narrator conveys his attitude towards Prynne through descriptions of her during her isolation. Based on his observations of Hester, the narrator then makes a generalization that women become oppressed because of their over reliance on emotions.
          By using personification, the narrator can treat the feelings of tenderness, passion, and heart as people, which magnifies the importance of human character to Hester Prynne. However, those are the very traits that led to her downfall, as her sin of adultery was a culmination of both passion and heart. The narrator hypothesizes "if she survive[s], the tenderness will either be crushed out of her...[or the tenderness will be' crushed so deeply in her heart that it can never show itself anymore." He also details in the first theory that if she were indeed to transcend her transgression, her "outer semblance" will match the inner suppression of tenderness within her heart. Further emphasizing the destruction of Prynne, the narrator also remarks "that Passion would [n]ever dream of clasping [Hester] in its embrace." These attributes defined Hester Prynne, but as society punished her for allowing these emotions to consume her, she lost her former self, which was comprised of heart, tenderness, and passion, and when combined, formed love.

I used an open thesis (which does not specifically mention which devices are going to be used) to answer the prompt and it was done nicely! (At least in my opinion)

Watch the video...

...and that was how my face looked when I got my paper back.

You may think,"how can you possibly have not answered the prompt?"
And I say,"..." I don't really know but it happens! Sometimes the prompt is tricky so be careful and read it thoroughly.

Top 5 Things AP Lang Students Should Know: #4

#4 Analyze  Text

You might be able to do this well already, but it becomes even more crucial. This skill is invaluable, especially when it comes to timed writings. You will learn how to write synthesis, compare/contrast, rhetorical analysis, and other types of essays. And you know what? You'll have to be able to analyze the text you are reading and write a decent essay on the prompt around 40 minutes (Depending on which kind of essay)

Here's a sample of a bad analysis (Divided into 3 parts)

I got a C- on this one :iconmiseryplz:
(To be truthful, I filled the one above during lunch)

Here's a sample of a good analysis (Divided into 3 parts)

I got an A on this one :icongreatjobplz:

How do you get an A? Well, follow these easy steps and you'll be right there!

1. Read the passage, but before that, see when and where it was written. This opens up a lot of ideas, as the writing could reflect thoughts from the era of Romanticism, transcendentalism, etc. A person can be inspired to write because of the events occurring around them.

2. Now pick a sentence or two to analyze. This is when you use your vocab skills! Talk about what the device does, how it is being used, and what it accomplishes.

3. After all that is done, write about what exactly is the point? Usually, the quotation says something beyond the obvious, which is interpreted through your own thoughts. This is often about human nature, societal habits, anything cynical really can be applied here. It's basically the message the author is presenting.

NOTE: The author's argument can be implicit. People are smart, and they are clever. This is shown through their writing! Decipher rhetorical devices, modes, approaches, syntax, and diction! It all means something.

The secret to getting an A is really just about being able to argue and articulate your ideas well. Of course, this is done through analyzing!

Below is an example of a good analysis with an implicit argument...
Don't ever talk to a guy who says he just has a friend.

Don't be afraid of writing essays. After some practice, you'll get the jist of it.
When you see the prompt, say to yourself," CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" and do it!

In all honesty, the analyzing part isn't so important as proving your thesis and sticking to it, but we'll get onto that subject later.

All images found on

Top 5 Things an AP Lang Student Should Know: #5

#5 Vocabulary

Vocabulary is essential to proving your argument or thesis! You will use vocabulary for multiple choice assessments, annotations, rhetorical analyses, basic writing, etc... Become an expert at it!

However, some words may be confused with others due to...

1. Similar spelling
2. Similar definition


3. You flat out don't get it... which case...
Seriously though, vocab really does make a big difference.
Here's an interim report of my grades (which I raised eventually)
I know, I know, I got a C+. But that's not the point. Look at the red highlights. Then look at the subject and grade. Makes sense why have a low grade, right? Motivate you enough to study it?
I would have uploaded those quizzes to show you the types of questions asked but I never got them back...

Another tip of advice with vocab, try not to use the obvious. It's really not that impressive. Unless you absolutely cannot think of anything else besides imagery, simile, alliteration...go ahead.
Sometimes, using different types of rhetorical devices can expose a new idea. You never know!
For instance, try using something better, like satire, irony, anything! At least SOMETHING better than imagery. That's just sad. Here's a funny comic kinda relevant to what I'm talking about.
...well I thought it was amusing. This was, in my opinion, a hilarious, yet intellectual comic. It depicts Hitler as a hipster in a satirical way of both the past and present, also referencing to several events at the time pertaining to the time period. If you liked this, you should check out the website, it's filled with comics! (Link below comic) (Btw, I do not in any shape or form support Hitler or the Nazis.)

Top 10 Vocab Words that are often confused with each other.

1. Concession vs. Refutation- A concession is when you acknowledge other peoples' ideas and a refutation is flat-out rejecting those ideas. Often, a concession is made to later bring in a rebuttal, so they can destroy the other person's argument! >: )
      When you have a fight with someone, you could make a concession to his/her argument (to show that you are listening to their ideas, but not necessarily agreeing with them) and then refute it to make your own argument seem right and to weaken your opponents.

2. Euphemism vs. Innuendo - Basically what this is replacing an offensive word with a more subtle one. For example, instead of calling someone fat, you might call them "big-boned, fluffy, or chubby." These terms are a lot better ways of labeling someone who is a little overweight. See what I did there? A little euphemism!

And an innuendo is an indirect implication of something, often not good. You might have heard someone say to another (or to you), " You only get sick on Fridays. " This comment gives the hint that this person only seems to get sick on Fridays is skipping school, work, or whatever place he/she goes to.

3. Malapropism vs. Pun - Malapropism is when similar sounding words are use incorrectly, kind of like a pun, except malapropisms are unintentional, while puns are deliberate. You might say, "I need help with righting this speech" (Malapropism) and the comic below is an example of a pun...

And another bad pun
I'm not up to date on psychic fashions so I'm going with turban.

4. Slippery Slope vs. Hasty Generalization
A hasty generalization is making a conclusion lacking any real evidence, really just a bunch of opinions. Slippery slope is another logical fallacy in which the start of one event leads to a chain reaction of others, i.e. A will lead to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, and so on so forth.

5. Pathos vs. Bathos
Pathos evokes pity, but bathos evokes insincere pity. Bathos is an excessive degree of pathos that it does the opposite effect of  repelling the audience instead of capturing sympathy. Bathos can be heard from everyday language, someone can complain, "I only had 3 hours of sleep, I woke up an hour late, I failed my math test, and then I fell down the stairs." No one wants to join you in your pity party.

Unlike bathos, pathos is genuine, like hearing the experience of a holocaust survivor. Pathos doesn't get any realer than that.

There is a ton of more vocab, but I decided to elaborate a little more so hopefully, you found this a little helpful. Heck, maybe you even knew them all! But seriously, study your vocab. You do that and you're a third way set for AP Lang :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Greetings Comrade!

And that's my purpose in me making this blog.
So you guys can succeed where I initially failed at! Hah hah hah!
But seriously, it's so I can help you guys prepare.